In a conversation with Katie Au, P.Eng., I realized that the stories of women in engineering continue to be written. Katie mentioned something about how situations or conflicts due to unconscious bias and discrimination still occur, even now in 2024.
Katie and I both know this but many others don’t.
So, let’s share our stories, but not on a social platform that is meant for personal sharing or is so busy that the stories become diluted. Let’s share our stories on a platform dedicated to engineers, geoscientists, managers and executives with whom we interact on a professional basis.
So, please send me your stories. I promise to:
- keep them confidential
- anonymize them so you cannot be identified
- give you final say in publication of the story (by sending you my final draft)
Some of our stories will be unfinished, others will be resolved and still others will demonstrate successes in belonging and inclusion.
Send your stories to, replacing “_at_” with “@”.
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