Hello, Volunteers! Please share MC2024 info and updates here.
We are seeking two EGBC members to act as invigilators to help from 12:15PM to about 3:50PM on Friday February 23, 2023. We would get together at 12:30PM to meet each other and attend a 12:45PM meeting with the Camosun lead so that we all know what to do.
It’s easy if you can read instructions out loud and tell time. (Script is attached-substitute ‘Farouk and Daphne’ for ‘Christine’). It’s fun to see the budding STEM students at work. The invigilator welcomes teams of students into the classroom and ensures they are in the right room and the right row. There are about 20-25 secondary students per room. Invigilators use a very clear script at the prescribed time to direct students on start and end times etc., and then collect and deliver the exam booklets to the marking room.
There are three tests, two are solo efforts and the third is a school co-op round. No math questions to answer!
There is pizza involved. We get some after the students have had theirs served.
For those who would like to stay The Face-Off events follow pizza, and the event closes with an award ceremony
RSVP to Daphne Sidaway-Wolf, Chair, EGBC Victoria Branch, Chair.vic@volunteer.egbc.ca.