Feb 11 – 25, 2025 Industry Nights at UVic with the Engineering Undergraduate Society. Thinking of hiring a new grad this year? Student-Industry nights are a good opportunity to meet some students and let them know you are hiring. This year, it has been divided by discipline with Feb 11 Mechanical, Feb 12 Software Engineering and Computer Science, Feb 13 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Feb 25 Biomedical Engineering. All evenings are from 6pm to 10pm at the Grad House Restaurant on the UVic campus. RSVP to vpcorporate@uvicecss.ca as space is limited although there is no charge to attend. Light snacks, coffee and tea are provided but the restaurant is open and can provide more for a fee.

Feb 11, 2025, Lunch at Med Grill 4512 W Saanich Rd. Victoria at noon. RSVP to dawegvictoria@gmail.ca if you will be attending.

February 21, 2025 Victoria Regional Math Challengers – This is a great opportunity to raise the profile of women in Engineering and Geosciences simply by showing up and invigilating. The branch normally provides about 7 or 8 volunteers for a total of about 3 hours, and pizza to the competitors. This takes place at Camosun Interurban Campus. Training starts at noon with the event starting at 1pm and ending at 3:45. Thank you to all who have volunteered to be invigilators. I believe they are still looking for some markers. Please reach out to dawegvictoria@gmail.com if you are interested and thank you to everyone who has volunteered to invigilate. Daphne will be reaching out with more information.

March 14 to 17, 2025 Congratulations to the 12 UVic Engineering Students who won 1st place at the Western Engineering Competition in 4 out of 8 competitions (in Debate, Consulting, Re-Engineering, and Programming). Since they surprised even themselves, they are looking for help to finance their trip to Halifax for the Canadian Competition in March. They had planned on 6 students going and find themselves with 12. If you or your company is interested in helping with cash, airplane points, accommodation points, or anything else, please contact Matt Curtis at vpcorporate@uvicecss.ca.

April 2025 Talbot Award. The local branch funds two $2500 scholarships in memorium of Richard Talbot, a long time branch volunteer. Awards are awarded on the basis of a combination of factors including academic achievement, community activities, and a student statement. The local branch is looking for some more reviewers to read the submissions. We currently are well represented by men in the fields of mechanical, software and civil/structural. If you are a woman with a biomedical, electrical/computer science or environmental background, please consider volunteering to review applicants. The exact timing isn’t published yet but normally the deadline for submissions is March 8, 2025 and the award is made at a branch dinner in April, date to be announced. So you should have several weeks to review the applications.

Victoria Branch Save the Dates: these are webinars in conjunction with the VIES. Check in at 11:30am, Welcome comments at 11:45 Presentation from Noon – 1pm

January 10th– Quantum Computing Evolution – UVic To Be RESCHEDULED

Due to a Registration glitch at EGBC and presenter illness, this event will be rescheduled.

Recently, notable progress has been made in quantum computing toward fault tolerant, error mitigated logical qubits. However, current technologies still face hard limitations on the number of qubits that can be embedded in a single chip. One promising avenue to alleviate this problem is to distribute large-scale quantum computations over a network architecture that supports entanglement across chips. With the rise of generative AI, numerous applications domains are poised for transformative advancements due to the synergy between quantum and AI. In this talk we will discuss recent developments in quantum computing and how to harness the synergy between quantum computing and generative AI.


March 7th – Know Your Faults – Earthquake Hazards of the Cascadia Subduction Zone

Vancouver Island’s stunning beauty comes from its location along the Cascadia subduction zone, but this also brings seismic risks. This webinar explores the science behind major earthquakes, tsunamis, and other hazards linked to this tectonic boundary. Learn practical steps to mitigate these threats at both household and community levels.


Previous Victoria Events

Jan 17 to Jan 19, 2025 Ski Weekend at Mt. Washington Alpine Resort in Courtenay BC.

Dec 6 2024 Breakfast to commemorate the Dec 6 Ecole Polytechnique Massacre. We booked the entire restaurant, Chunky Kitchen, and sold out. It was solemn and moving to hear about the different stories about how this impacted them from everyone who attended. There were those of us who remembered and those whose parents were influenced.

Oct 22 lunch at Six Mile Pub We were finally able to give Anita Mathur her Role Model of the Year take home award from 2019. We are slow but thorough!

Aug 27th lunch. Stonehouse Pub, 2215 Canoe Cove Rd

August 18th Hike

East Sooke Park, Iron Mine Bay trail hike

Jun 21, 2024 International Women in Engineering Day Breakfast meeting

We had a great speaker in Kezia Devathasen, Program Manager for INSPIRE UVic. Kezia combined her degree in software engineering with a minor in Psychology and she is now a PhD student focussing on the human aspects of both practice and education. Her research aims to bridge the gap between technical capability and human-centred design in software development. Together with Dr. Daniella Damien, they run this program for 30 lucky students who come from underrepresented communities (including women) in Engineering. The students get credit and a co-op work term and have to come together as a true team to solve real life community relevant problems.

May 9, 2024 Future of the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Division Discussion

The purpose of this hybrid event was to discuss challenges and opportunities for women engineering and geoscience in BC now that the WiEG division has been shut down. All EGBC women in engineering programs will now fall under their EDI umbrella.

Our starting panel was Michelle Mahovolich, current Chair of the Board of Directors of EGBC, Daphne Sidaway-Wolf, current branch rep for the Victoria Branch, Bridget Cassidy, Self-appointed Social Coordinator for the Women Engineers/geoscientists in Victoria and Robyn Quinn, founder and board member of iWIST. Our moderator was Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst. We had a good lively discussion which will hopefully continue over the coming months.

2023 Events

June 21, 2023 INWiED “Feminism, the ‘F-Word in Engineering, It’s not just about Women”

Speaker Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, Past President of Engineers and Geoscientists BC shared her research on how feminism has changed in the last 100 years, the four big waves.

April 22, 2023 Hike to Jocelyn Hill to see the spectacular view which was completely fogged in. No photos were taken.

February 18, 2023 BC Aviation Museum Tour. This is quite an interesting museum and we were fortunate to be on site when they started up the old Coulson Air Tanker that they had outside.

2021/2022 break for Covid

2020 Events

June 23, 2020 INWiED Outside Lunch at Splash Park! in Langford

January 16, 2020 Winsett Centre workshop: Working with Challenging People.

2019 Events

Oct 29, 2019 Dragonfly Telephoto Array: Photographing the space between the Stars. This was a presentation by PhD student Debra Lokhorst as part of our Lunch and Learn series

Sept 29, 2019 Meet the Dean (Peter Wild), temporary Dean of Engineering, organized by Michelle Mahovolich at Langford City Hall

June 23, 2019 International Women in Engineering Day breakfast celebration Dr. Lesley Shannon from SFU and holder of the NSERC Chair for Women in STEM introduced us all to Unconscious Bias in a fabulous workshop.

May 26, 2019 Paintball with UVic ESS members in conjunction with the Victoria Branch

February 5, 2019 Deyanira Mendoza-Domingues presented Engineer on Two Wheels, an accounting of two years on motorcycles from Alaska to Argentina. Part of our Lunch and Learn series

2018 Events

Oct 11, 2018 Women in STEM Golf Event in conjunction with Island Women in Science and Technology. This was a round of 9 holes at The Ridge Golf Course in Cordova Bay followed by a BBQ at the club house. The lucky first 10 women to sign up also got a free lesson.

Aug 18, 2018 Pickle Pub Tour We spent a great afternoon riding the Victoria Harbour Ferries to visit the various pubs and restaurants that participate in the Tour. Thanks to our DDs for getting us all home safely.

June 22, 2018 INWiED Update on the 30×30 Initiative by Kathy Tarnai-Lokhorst

May 27, 2018 Paintball with UVic ESS. Only one gently sprained ankle!

2017 Events

May 23, 2017 Panel Discussion: We are Not all Dilbert, Attracting Women to Engineering

July 16, 2017 Paintball at TNT Paintball with the UVic Engineering Student Society

2016 Events

May 15, 2016 Paintball with ESS