Island Women in Science and Technology
Whether you’re new to STEM or have an established career in STEM on Vancouver Island, becoming a member of iWIST is a great way to access a network of your peers. We use the power of community to support you in your career and to promote women in STEM.
iWIST is active in Victoria and occasionally Nanaimo.
UVic Women in Science
Our group is dedicated to creating an inclusive and empowering environment that encourages collaboration and success for everyone pursuing STEM fields. We aim to connect and support graduate and undergraduate students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) through a range of activities, including newsletters, social events, guest lectures, and professional development seminars. Our network welcomes individuals of all gender identities and anyone who shares our commitment to advancing the success of everyone in STEM. Membership provides access to valuable resources, fostering meaningful connections with peers, professors, and industry professionals to drive collective growth and achievement.
This is a student run Women in STEM group at UVic.
Women in Construction
Women in Construction (WiC) is a grassroots Vancouver Island network working to promote and support female participation in one of the key sectors of our provincial economy: construction. The Vancouver Island Construction Association is proud to support WiC’s Nanaimo and Victoria chapters.
WiC is open to anyone who considers themselves a “woman in construction”, as well as those who support women working in the industry. The network is comprised of private and public sector workers, students, engineers, apprentices, labourers, tradespersons, project managers, developers, architects, and professional admin staff.
This is a sub-group of the Vancouver Island Construction Association and primarily operates in Victoria although there are occasionally events up Island.
Lower Mainland
Women in Consulting Engineering
Women in Consulting Engineering (WCE) is a community devoted to supporting and empowering women in engineering and increasing gender diversity and inclusion in our industry.
WCE is active in Vancouver and Calgary and have in person and remote events.
British Columbia
Westcoast Women in Engineering Science and Technology
The overall goal of the British Columbia and Yukon program is to support diversity, and to provide equitable and inclusive learning and working environments for underrepresented persons in science and engineering. The Chair program is grounded within the themes of Inclusion, Collaboration and Innovation.
Inclusion: Excellence in innovation and discovery depends upon diverse perspectives and equitable opportunities and approaches. In this theme, a core commitment of the Chair is fostering paths to access STEM experiences, education and careers.
Collaboration: This theme recognizes the need for cultivating, co-ordinating and engaging academic, industry and professional associations partners. Collaboratively, the Chair will build support networks to strengthen connectedness that contributes to retention of underrepresented persons within and between STEM academic degrees and industry.
Innovation: Within this theme, evidence-informed knowledge will be applied to science translation activities and professional workshops. The program will increase knowledge of the positive social, cultural and personal experiences that contribute to the choices of girls, women and underrepresented persons to pursue and remain in STEM fields.
This is an NSERC Chair position. The current Chair holder is at UBC Okanagan.
New Engineering Advocacy Board
The full name is the BC Society of Engineering and Geoscience. This is the board which has been created to handle all Advocacy that was previously done by the EGBC. It is hoped that the branches will become a part of this Society
Province wide Society.
Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology
WinSETT is a progressive, action-oriented, non-profit organization, aspiring to recruit, retain, and advance the careers of under-represented people in the SETT world. Since 2010, we have worked to make a dramatic impact on industry; starting with our flagship Leadership Program – guiding awareness and change through facilitated learning to leaders across Canada.
We amplify voices and celebrate the leadership and achievements in our industries. Through partnerships with government, business, and industry, WinSETT fosters opportunities to develop and implement inclusive policies, improved working experiences, and increased innovation throughout the country.
Winsett organizes workshops and on line training.
Canadian Coalition of Women Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology
The Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT) is a voluntary, non-profit national coalition of individual members and groups from across the country who advocate for a diverse and inclusive Canadian Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology (SETT) workforce. We collectively support over 500,000 people in our network.
This Coalition hosts a large conference every two years. They don’t seem to have a physical location.