Tag: professions
UVic teams qualify for national design competition!
Submitted by Sung-Yu Lin, Nolan Smith | Director of SponsorshipUVic Engineering and Computer Science Students’ Societysponsorship@uvicecss.ca | University of Victoria We are thrilled to inform you that we had four teams place first in the Western Engineering Competition, earning a spot to represent UVIC on the national level! In addition to success in these categories,…
WCE Scholarship deadline extended
WCE is looking for applicants for their scholarships! Here’s some of the blurb from their website https://wcevancouver.com/scholarship/: Thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors, WCE Vancouver is pleased to announce that multiple scholarship awards are available of up to $1,000. The scholarship is open to self-identifying girls and women and non-binary people who are…
The Edge
Renown inclusion advocate, leader and transformational educator, Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC, FGC(hon), is creating her legacy project, The Edge, a monograph to support those who wish to co-create more inclusive cultures in their workplaces, their communities and wherever they go. Segments of text and supporting materials are available for viewing and free download on…